Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Prep Once, Party Twice...

Sometimes Two Parties Are Easier Than One

It may seem crazy at first glance, but sometimes it's less work to host two parties in the same weekend than to host them over two separate weekends. For example, let's say you're planning to host a get together with your friends, and you also have a bridal shower planned around the same time period. As long as you know the guests attending your first party won't totally destroy your home, here's how this simple strategy can save you a lot of party preparation time, as well as expense:

You shop once for two events.

You will deep clean your home once for two events. You may have to tidy up a bit in between, but it's not the same as decluttering and deep cleaning for each one.

You can decorate and purchase flowers and centerpieces one time to be used for two events.

You can prepare double the amount of appetizers and desserts. Save half to serve fresh for the second party.

Now doesn't that sound easier than gearing up for two separate parties?

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